Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Weekend Recap

I swear there is something magical about three day weekends. They just feel sooooo much longer than normal weekends. I wish every weekend was three days... but I digress.

We had a fantastic weekend. We managed to get a lot done around the house, tackle a few projects that have been half finished for awhile, and even squeeze in a little fun.

I'll share a project with you tomorrow - but first I want to share the fun we had! Taste of Cincinnati happens ever Memorial Day weekend, and it's one of our favorite events. It's the world's longest running culinary festival, with more than six blocks filled with vendors selling yummy food and drinks. Each booth offers multiple choices, with prices ranging from $2 - $5 depending on the dish. We love to walk the length of the event and sample different choices from different booths.

A few picks from this year:

Mac and cheese pizza

Fresh tacos... mmmmm.

While we were there, I found the C-Change pig! You can read more about these fancy pigs here, and learn more about C-Change here

After sampling some yummy treats, we walked down to Smale Park to get some pictures of this cool place, this time with our fancy camera.

Zac playing in the fountain

I love the lights!

It's seriously the coolest park ever.

Sticking my feet in

The sun sets so fast. This is the Moerlein Lager House when we got to the park...

and again just a few minutes later.

Zac playing in the water fall. He's actually behind it - he stayed dry!

Stephanie trying to get just the right shot with their camera.

The Roebling Suspension Bridge. You've seen this bridge before...

The lights change every few seconds. I promise these are three separate pictures, and no fancy photo-shopping was worked!

I can't get enough of this park. Can you tell??

I hope you had a great long weekend as well!


  1. I've never been to TOC but I've always wanted to go! I had no idea it was the longest running.

    You're getting really good with your camera! The light park was a cool place to practice.

  2. So cool!
    I agree that long weekends are magical.
    Even though I am home everyday the extra days of having Bud home are perfection!


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