Thursday, May 31, 2012

More pallet art

I have a confession to make. Sometimes we do big house projects and I don't show you right away because they aren't "finished." And then I never show them to you because they're never finished. Case in point - our bedroom. We spent a weekend doing a bedroom makeover in January, and I still haven't shown it to you yet. Oops. We still need to add the finishing touches that really tie the room together - art, etc. - and we talked that a bit over the weekend.

I'm obsessed with the pallet art I made last fall, and ever since we found another pallet, I've been itching to make another one. Pinterest inspired me with things like this:

and this:

Zac made the pallet into a sign just like he did last time, and we went to work. I was planning to cut the letters from cardstock or contact paper, but my friend Clare caught me in time and cut them for me on her Cricuit. That saved me a ton of time. And made it look like this:

She cut the letters out on colored paper and we taped them to the pallet.

Our next step was to trace the letters with a pencil. Zac's more precise than I am, so he took care of this part.

Derby, meanwhile, was super helpful. But oh my goodness is he cute.

Tracing the letters turned into this...

which then turned into this.

We wanted a "rustic" look, so I used a paint brush to fill in the letters. I used a paint pen where I needed it, but for the most part I just used a brush.

Here's our finished product:

If we did it all over again, there are a few things I would do differently (like not use black paint), but overall, I'm happy with it.

Here it is in the overall room:

I really like the contrast between the silk curtains and the rustic art. What do you think? Fingers crossed that I'll show you the whole room over the next few days. We love it and I hope you will too!

Click HERE to see the blog parties where I'm linking!


  1. This looks beautiful! Love all of the different fonts you used for it! Hope you will hop over to my under 300 followers blog hop @
    I am your newest follower~
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  2. Looks great! : )
    - Hope

  3. I love pallet art! My husband's job allows me to get a few from time to time, but I haven't started a project "yet". I know what I want and where it's going, lol, but I'm hoping once the kids are out of school, there will be more time to actually get stuff going!

    It's actually my goal to finish ALL of my unfinished projects by the end of this summer, lol...

  4. Love it!! And yet another idea for utilizing a cricut!

  5. Great pallet art. I sm sharing this over at Saved By Love Creations!

  6. love this! I am currently eyeing part of an old fence in my neighbor's driveway and it's calling out to me to do something like this! Thanks!

  7. I've been wanting to make some sort of wall art with this quote/song for awhile now. Your version looks awesome and simple to create! I found you on Tatertots & Jello :)

  8. It's super cute!
    I have a cricut that doesn't get enough use.
    I'm hoping to change that soon.
    I have a few projects, that much like you are only about 1/2 done and not ready to be shared yet.
    Once you have babies it seems that these projects take a little longer than ever before...which is really bad for me now!
    I love your're definitely inspiring me to get get motivated!

  9. It really looks amazing, I am going to have to try one of these projects soon!!! Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower!
    Hope you are having a great start to your week!!

  10. How beautiful is that?! Great job, I love it! I really need to attempt one of these pieces of beautiful pallet art soon.



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