Saturday, May 12, 2012

It's been a busy week!

Oh man, we have had a busy week around here. We're hosting a Mother's Day Brunch tomorrow for my mom and Zac's mom, and we've been working double time to make it extra special.  We were able to get all of our landscaping ready for this year, including creating a new bed (pictures to come!). We had to get our hose fixed because we forgot to drain it last fall. Oops - it's an expensive mistake we'll never make again.

We celebrated at our end of the year banquet for our students and families.

I was inspired at the YWCA Career Women of Achievement Luncheon. This is keynote speaker Deborah Roberts, of ABC's 20/20. Thanks Francie, for inviting me!

I worked with students at a local high school to create a service learning reflection quilt. More pictures to come!

We got a special delivery from this big ol' truck!

There's lots to tell you, but right now I need to focus on the tornado that seems to have gone through my hours, and all kinds of brunchy stuff - mini coffee cakes, anyone??

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! You've got my attention, can't wait to see more of all of it!


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