Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Happy birthday Derby!

Yesterday, Derby turned one. When we adopted him from a farm, the owner of Derby's mother told us that Derby and his siblings had been born on Mother's Day. Awww.

I've told you before that I'm just not a dog person. I don't automatically love every dog I see. I'm sort of afraid of big dogs and dogs that jump on me. And yet...

Sometime over the past few months (ok, let's be honest. Less than 24 hours after we brought him home.) I completely fell in love.

Here's what we started with:

And now... happy birthday to Derby!

This is what a one year old puppy looks like!

Yummy dog treat that I spent way too much money on.

How good is this dog that I can take this picture?? I just noticed that he's literally licking his chops!

Thanks for my new toy, mom and dad!

This sounds so cheesy, but I was completely unprepared for all the good that he would bring to our lives. He kept Zac company while I was gone all the time. It's impossible to have a bad day when he tries to lick your face. He keeps my feet warm in the winter. Running with him helped us all get healthier. He helps me feel safe when I'm home alone. 

When did I become that person??

Happy birthday Derby. We love you, and we're so glad that we get to be your people!


  1. Happy Birthday to your fur baby!
    You are the cutest mama!

  2. I am in puppy love...that is the cutest dog EVER -don't tell my dog :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Derby! Love that you got him presents!!

  4. awww Happy Birthday pets for the cutie pup! I agree having a fuzzy buddy really does help you overall mental health, there is something just so satisfying about petting them endlessly until even they have had enough and run off =)


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