Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Resolution Check-In

I mentioned in my 2011 wrap up post that I probably should have checked in on my resolutions throughout the year, instead of just at the end of December. In an attempt to do that, here's a review of my progress so far... just remember that it's early!

1. Try to "have it all," but don't go crazy when I can't. 
I feel like I'm on the right track with this. My amazing new boss at work is great in this aspect. I was worried about preparing for an event last week and she said, "Wait. What happens if you forget something? Nothing. It's okay. Don't worry." Amen, sister.

2. Schedule a monthly date night. 
Bad news: we didn't formally do this in January. Because we forgot and the month went by too quickly.
Good news: we have been focused on spending more quality time together. And I'm going to remember this month!

3. Stick to an exercise routine. 
I am really proud of this. Derby and I finished Week 7 of Couch to 5K last week! It's still not easy, and making time for it is the hardest part, but we're doing it.

4. Make enough time for my hobbies. 
Reading books - huge fail. Sewing - did more in January, but it fell off the final two weeks. Need to focus on this one again!

5. Stick with our budget. 
Still on track!

6. Stay present. 
The conference helped me re-focus on this, and I'm trying. It's harder than I thought, but it's worth the effort!

7. Stay organized. 
This is going better at home than work, where I'm just feeling overwhelmed. Working on it!

8. Take a vacation
WE BOOKED IT!!!!!!!! We are headed back to our honeymoon location (aka - paradise) at the end of April!!!

9. Stick with my blog
I'm making great progress! It's still not quite as regular as I'd like, but at least I haven't disappeared for months at a time!

The best part of reviewing my goals? I'm actually doing better than I expected. Thanks for being my virtual accountability partners.

How are your new year's resolutions and 2012 goals going?


  1. You are doing awesome so far! Keep up the great work!

    My only real goal was to have a baby. And we're on-track for that.

  2. Sounds like you are off and running....(Sorry, couldn't resist that with regard to your fitness goals)!

    One little word of advice....when life throws you curve balls-remember your boss' advice: don't panic. Things WILL happen: illness, infertility, job loss, etc. Trust me, stuff like this can REALLY derail the best laid plans....(!)

    You inspire me-and remind me a lot of what I was like at your age...I always look forward to your posts because you ROCK, Tara!!!


I love reading your comments - thanks for being a wonderful part of my blogging experience!