Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Zac and I aren't huge V-Day people. It probably has something to do with the fact that Zac has had to work every Valentine's Day since we met until this year.... the restaurant business is not kind to couples. And I'll be in class all night. I guess the universe just doesn't want this to be our holiday.

I did make him a card, if printing a card off the computer count as making? I'm wishing I'd gotten him this card instead, because I'm all romantic like that.

In honor of Valentine's Day, I'll share with you a few things that I love. And hopefully you'll share some of yours with me!
  • I LOVE when I'm sitting on the couch and Derby jumps up next to me and snuggles into my lap. He's so cuddly and warm.
  • I LOVE when I have happy hour with just one or two friends. There's something re-charging about that.
  • I LOVE sitting down for dinner with my family and getting up an hour later because we're laughing too hard to finish dinner right away (joke credit here goes to Beth).
  • I LOVE weekends with no plans. This weekend will be almost that way, and I can't wait.
  • I LOVE dreaming with my husband about house projects, future plans, and just our future in general. I should note that he loves this significantly less than I do, but he's a good sport.
  • I LOVE waking up and thinking it's almost time to get up - but you've actually have hours left to sleep. Score.

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!!

1 comment:

  1. I love your "I Love.." section!
    Very cute!

    Bud & I don't really do Valentine's day.
    We did it a little when we were dating, but we've never gone to dinner on valentine's day for the shear fact that it's ridiculous.
    I'd rather he save the money for our anniversary instead, the real day when we need to remember that we love each other!!!

    Hope your staying warm!


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