Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Friend Day and the cutest front porch ever

So... it's already been a long week, and it's only Tuesday afternoon. I guess if I'm just now posting about Saturday, it's probably not getting better anytime soon!

This weekend was a lot of fun, but we sure weren't home much. My two bestest friends from college (who are also my bridesmaids) and I realized over the summer that we need to add Friend Dates to our calendar. Otherwise, way too much time went by without us seeing each other.

Mandy lives in Lexington and Katie lives in Louisville, so we're essentially living in cities that make a triangle. Our plan was to meet once a month in one of the cities and do something fun! Last month, they came to Cincinnati and we picked out bridesmaid dresses.

Since Katie's birthday is in September, this month we went to see her! Lesson learned:

Lunch + shopping + cake + your best friends = a really really great day!

Katie modeling her birthday presents. To make this make more sense to you, you need to know that her kitchen is almost finished being completely remodeled, and that the only food this girl ever cooks is cereal. So we got her the Cereal Lover's Cookbook and an apron so she can use her new kitchen!


Saturday night I went to my friend Erika's house for a housewarming party. This girl moved in a month ago and her house is already perfect.  She had this on her front porch:

And she moved in a month ago!!!!!!!!!!!!! She said I can take pictures of it for my blog, but I thought her other friends would think I was weird, so maybe next time?

Sunday we went to Lexington to get together with some of Zac's family... and then the weekend was quickly over! The only thing saving me this week is that all of my favorite TV shows are on new this week! Tonight, I have a date with GLEE!!!

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