Thursday, June 3, 2010

How does your garden grow?

It's been 5 days since we planted the vegetable garden, and I can't believe how fast everything is growing! Still bummed I have to wait approximately 75 more days for tomatoes, but it's pretty cool how hearty everything looks.

You can see "before" pictures from Saturday here.  Here are the shots from today:

Tomatoes look yummy...

Peppers are looking awesome!

Zucchini has tripled in size over the past few days...

And, the lilies in the backyard finally bloomed today! They look great when you're walking into the backyard.

This one has a lot of flowers!

Aren't they gorgeous?? I don't like how they smell, though.

Oh - and since you were probably thinking, "I sure wish Tara would post more pictures of her cat," this is what I see every second that I'm outside:

She is pitiful.

We painted the box tonight, but by the time we finished it was too dark to get good pictures, so you'll have to come back tomorrow to see it. The color is really fun though!

AND - I think the insect culprits that keep eating me are noseeums. Tonight while we were painting, I was sitting down on the patio. And I have 9 - no joke, 9 - bug bites ON MY BUTT.  This is sort of funny, of course, because I have a line of bug bites on my butt.  But it's less funny as I try to scratch them without looking totally ridiculous.  And yes Dad, I sprayed bug spray (twice!). But not on my butt, apparently??


  1. Thanks Tara for your sweet comment .. I am so glad you like the tutorial :)

  2. Hi Tara,

    I’m following you now on New Friend Friday! Please follow me back on my blog “Inspire!”

    My latest inspirational postings are, “The Power,” “The Triumphant Heart,” “Pure Love,” “Peace of Mind,” and “Simple Gesture.”


  3. Looks so good!! I'm doing a giveaway on Tuesday and it's garden inspired so I thought you might like it! ;)

  4. I hate bug bites! On your butt! Oh no!
    Cute garden. I love Daylilies :)
    My beans are out now, but this year, my garden is slow...
    Happy Friday!
    Following your blog, come follow mine!
    Gros bisous


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