Monday, September 17, 2012

We've been busy!

We have had a really busy - but fun! - month. It seems like we've had fun things going on every weekend, and sometimes on weeknights in between.

Last weekend, my in-laws came to visit us. My father-in-law is a prostate cancer survivor, so when we found out the Great Prostate Cancer Challenge was coming to Cincinnati, we were quick to sign up.

Zac and I each ran the 5K (you can't see Derby, but he's off to the side! He ran with me), and my in-laws both walked the whole 3.1 miles. They're awesome!

It was pretty dreary for the first half of the day, but by the time we crossed the finish line, it was sunny and starting to warm up.

Just curious - who do you like Zac looks more like?

Naptime was a necessity after waking up early to run a 5K, but so was what happened next... Beer Fest!! We headed downtown to Fountain Square for an outdoor beer festival. They had a ton of booths, and there's absolutely no way we could have used our 25 sample tickets -- each!

My beautiful friend Tory modeling the sizes of our cups!

A view of the square

We had a blast, but man.... there's a chance we're getting too old for all this fun! I'm beat! More to come soon...


  1. Looks like a blast. I think that your husband has traits from both parents - he isn't actually a spitting image of either.

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend. And I thought my 5 samples of beer at Whole Foods was a lot, but 25?! Holy cow!

    I think your husband looks like his dad from the nose up, but has his mom's mouth!

  3. I think your hubby looks like his Mom from the nose up and like his Dad from the nose Kim said...he's a good mix of both!

    I'm jealous of the beer fest! That looks like a blast and hello those cups are HUGE for a tasting!!!


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