Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Girls Night Make up Lessons

I have three college best friends who live in different cities. We try to get together once a month-ish in one of our cities and do something fun. We've gone to a pumpkin patch, shoe shopping, spent a day at the pool... and so on.

August was my month to host, and I invited the lovely woman who did my wedding makeup to give us some lessons. Elizabeth is so patient and talented, and she also doesn't sell any makeup. That meant we got the real scoop on what you need to splurge on (anything that touches your skin) and what you can go drugstore cheap on (lipstick, blush). She also gave us great recommendations for cheapie brushes that are as nice as expensive ones.

I made these yummy gooey white chocolate cake bars, which were good but were so sweet. Borderline too sweet. But still good!

The first thing we did was dump our our makeup bags (sorry for the blurry pics. Blame the empty drinks). Elizabeth made suggestions for what we should get rid of (eyeliner I bought in college), gave some mascaras the smell test, and made recommendations for what key items we were each missing.

Elizabeth giving us makeup tips... I'm guessing she's taking about mascara!

Each of us identified a "look" we wanted to learn how to do, and then Elizabeth walked us through it, step by step. She'd do one eye, then you had to do the other. Such a great way to learn.

In addition, we had a blast! I would definitely recommend this for any kind of birthday party or girl's night -- especially if you can find someone as wonderful as Elizabeth!! She definitely understood that a lot of us don't like to wear a lot of makeup, and was way open to that.

Am I the only one who isn't talented at applying makeup? I feel like there was a secret makeup class in high school that I never got invited to. How did you learn how to apply makeup??


  1. Hahaha...secret makeup class. That would explain why all those girls were wearing crazy eye makeup in high school....haha. I kinda just taught myself, with a lot of tutorials, but I don't wear a ton of makeup and do a lot of research on what to purchase before I do. Then I tend to stick to what works for me!

  2. What a great idea for a girl's night! Looks like so much fun.

  3. What a fun idea! I love it and the fact that she wasn't selling anything was probably so great! I want to do this now, I think we would have so much fun!

  4. I have always loved to sit down and "play" makeup to try new looks. I think it's because both my grandmother and my mom are glamour girls, lol. My mom wouldn't dream of going out without her "face" on, even when it's a natural look. My daughter is 14 now and we sit down and practice how to put makeup on right (aka, not too much!!) and try new eye looks we see in magazines or on YouTube. Pinterest has some great ideas too! :)

  5. Wish I lived closer. I could totally benefit from this.
    Although I am a huge bare minerals girl, I just want to learn how to do eye make-up!


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