Thursday, June 21, 2012

Beth's Graduation

My little sister Beth graduated last weekend from Ohio University. She is a rock star... she majored in fashion merchandising and started her first "big girl" job this week at Abercrombie's corporate headquarters in Columbus, Ohio. I am so proud of her!!


My family. Love.

Beth and our parents

I love this picture. She was so hot and kept calling this her cape.

Gramma is so cute!!

Aunt Barb, Beth, and Andrea

My sweet baby sista

Nick (Beth's boyfriend), Beth, me, Zac, Ryan (Em's boyfriend), Emily, Andrea

This is my every day.

We still count as newlyweds, right??

Andrea was jealous she didn't have a boyfriend with her... if she did, she would have kissed him like this.

Congratulations, Beth! We're so proud of you!!


  1. Good for your sister. You have a lovely family!

  2. I LOVE your dress!
    Where did you get it?
    You are still newlyweds in my book.
    Bud & I have always thought that if we could get people to think we were newlyweds than we must still be!
    Congrats to your sister.


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