Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy birthday... to me!

Today's not my birthday - it was actually last week. I turned the big 2-7. When I was approaching that birthday, it seemed like a "big deal" sort of birthday. I feel like I'm pretty solidly an adult now - no excuses or getting around it at this point. I wanted to share with you some pictures from my birthday celebration... though if you want to continue to celebrate it for a few more days, I'm totally fine with that!

My birthday kicked off the day before my birthday when my two favorite senior search interns, Marina and Caroline, brought me birthday presents! They are the sweetest high schoolers I've ever met and made me feel so special. I also think they will freak out with joy when they notice themselves mentioned on this blog... hi guys!

On my actual birthday, my parents and Zac's parents came down and we all went out to dinner. I had no idea where we were going - Zac set the whole thing up and picked the place. We went to Palomino's, which is one of my favorite places in Cincinnati. The restaurant overlooks Fountain Square and their food is delicious.

This was a birthday / graduation celebration, so I dressed up extra fancy!

Presents from my in-laws! Zac's mom found a Vera Bradley outlet store. Her daughter-in-law (me) was in heaven!

She also gave me this gorgeous bracelet. The pink coat is from my parents. In this picture, I'm modeling all the things I think my sister Beth will be jealous of. I'm not a terrible sister - I promise. If you knew her, you'd understand!

This is how much our parents love each other - and we are so grateful for that. Our dads shared dessert. And pretty much laughed this hard through the entire two hour dinner.

My handsome husband and I.

The birthday crowd! My parents are on the left, Zac's are on the right. Just curious - who do you think I look more like? I was always told growing up that I look like my mom, but I think in pictures now I look a lot more like my dad?

On Saturday night we met my friend Tory at Asian food fest. She was so sweet - she even ordered me these fireworks for my birthday!

Sorry for the blurry pic. And she didn't really order the fireworks! 

I had a great birthday... thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate! Facebook is probably the best thing to ever happen to birthdays. I had well wishes all day long and it made the day extra special. Here's to making 27 the best year yet - it's off to a great start so far!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday (belated). You are so photogenic. Loved the dress, loved the gifts, loved all your pictures. Enjoy 27!


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