Thursday, April 12, 2012

Homemade Jewelry Cleaner

Before I was married and wore a pretty sparkly ring, I never understood why people would say their rings were dirty. Did that ever happen to you? The conversation usually went like this:

Me: "Hi random pretty person I'm trying to make like me. I love your ring."
Random Pretty Person: "Oh thanks, but it's just soooooooooooooooo dirty."
Me: "Wow, you must be super fancy."

But now that I wear a ring every day, I totally get it. My ring gets dirty. It gets dirty and dull and just sort of there. And it needs to be cleaned.

I'm way too lazy busy to make it to the jewelry store to get it cleaned, so I needed an alternate option. I was planning on buying a shake-em-up jewelry cleaner, but then stumbled upon this on Pinterest:

              Jewelry Cleaner. Photo by jonesies

It's a homemade jewelry cleaner. With things you already have in your house. Un-be-liev-able.

Here's the recipe, borrowed from here:

  • tablespoon salt
  • tablespoon baking soda
  • tablespoon dish detergent
  • cup water
  • piece aluminum foil


  1. 1
    Heat water in the microwave for 1 or 2 minutes.
  2. 2
    Cut a piece of aluminum foil that roughly covers the bottom of a small bowl (like a cereal bowl).
  3. 3
    Pour hot water into bowl. Place salt, soda, and dishwashing liquid into bowl. Place jewelry on top of foil and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse jewelry in cool water and dry jewelry completely with soft cloth. Discard solution after use and make a new batch next time.
  4. 4
    According to, "this works well for gold-filled, brass, german (nickel) silver, and sterling silver. I have even cleaned jewelry with freshwater pearls, shell cameos and mother of pearl with no problem.".
I obviously did it IMMEDIATELY, and my rings looked great! Well, in this picture they look scary. But after 10 minutes and a rinse, they looked great!

I'm definitely going to this cleaner over and over - no point in buying money when we have all the ingredients for this one, and it's natural. Who knows what chemicals are in the other one, and I'm not putting my rings I love so much into chemicals if I don't have to!

The reviews for this recipe say it's also great for silver. So if you're the kind of fancy person who has silver that you polish, consider using this for that, too. 

Click HERE to see the blog parties where I'm linking! 


  1. That is awesome! I was just thinking the other day that my rings needed a good clean. I needed to get new shake em up cleaner, but I am going to do this instead! I do have silver to clean and am so excited about this as well! Thank you so much!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's a great idea and anything thats a money saver works for me...
    Awesome! Thanks a ton !!!!

  4. I hate when I am thinking one thing and type another.. lol That's why I had to delete one comment... my head wasn't in the same place my fingers typing were....LOL Sorry bout that...


  5. I've also heard vodka works well for gold and diamonds. A shot of vodka would be easier to make but is probably more expensive than these ingredients!

  6. Awesome!
    My ring needs to be cleaned and since the jewelry store I got it from is only in Kansas...I feel weird going to random stores to ask to have it cleaned.
    In honor of the recent anniversary...I think I'll mix up my own cleaner!

  7. I immediately bookmarked this so I can use this recipe again and again! This is so much better than having to drive across town to the jewelers and it works just as good! My hubby will be glad ta hear we don't have to spend any money to get my ring clean :)


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