Thursday, March 29, 2012

Quilts on a Ladder

I found this picture on Pinterest awhile ago, and I'd been dreaming about finding an antique ladder to hang quilts on ever since.

Love this one too. Especially covered in cashmere blankets. Sigh. As if.

Quick side note - when was the last time you said, "As if?" It seemed relevant in this post.

Fast forward to the day I decided I wanted a ladder for my living room. If you want one too, here's my advice. Good stinking luck finding one. If you can find one on Craigslist, it will likely cost a zillion dollars. And that's a huge IF. So unless you are already a garage saler / antique fair stalker, I don't know how you will find one.

Unless you are supremely lucky and the universe is smiling upon you.

I'm working on a project with a teacher whose parents love to antique shop. I mentioned months ago how much I'd love to have an antique ladder, and that if her parents found one I'd gladly buy it. This was pre-Christmas. It was awhile ago.

Fast forward again to last week. I came home from a meeting and saw this beautiful piece of wonderfulness next to my front door!

Even Instagram can't save my crappy photos. Oi.

I asked Zac where it came from and he said, "Some lady just came by and said it was for you?" My teacher-friend's parents had found it and gave it to me! And it's GLORIOUS -- It's about 8 feet tall, and has so many rungs, for so many quilts!!

My grandmother is bringing me some of her quilts when she comes to visit in June, but here it is filled in the mean time:

Do you love it??

It is SO tall!! Here's a view of it in the living room:

Another shot:

Don't worry. Taking a photography class is high up on my list of things to do after graduation!

If you're curious about the quilts...

  1. Second quilt I ever made... still my favorite.
  2. Quilt Zac's grandfather made. So precious that we have it.
  3. Quilt Gramma made me for Christmas a few years ago.
  4. Our Christmas quilt. It's a placeholder!!
  5. I love this quilt. My gramma pieced it by hand from scraps. We only saw her a few times a year when we were younger, and I remember her making it over multiple visits. There's even a square that I added that has my name on it! It's GIANT, and it's so special.
What do you think about the ladder? Be honest. It's more country chic than we usually do in our house, but it's so unique and I think with modern quilts it isn't too much? Reassure me, please!!


  1. love, love, LOVE!!! now I want an antique ladder in my house to fill with quilts!

  2. absolutely the perfect way to display your creations!!

  3. It's beautiful and insanely perfect!
    Needless to say I'm slightly jealous ;)
    I think I'm going to have to tell my Mom to keep her eyes peeled. For some reason I think she'd have better luck finding something like this in Kansas than I will here in North Carolina.
    You are so blessed, but I have a feeling it's because you are such a blessing to everyone, you deserve it!!

    Big Hugs!

  4. Hi, Tara

    I love what you did with the quilt on the ladder. Looks great.


  5. i love the ladder. I also love the brighter colored quilts on it, versus the neutrals in your pinterest photos.

  6. I LOVE the ladder...maybe I need to go exploring in the sheds around the farm. (My husband is the 6th generation on the family farm)

  7. I see your blog is just as adorable as Carri over at Simply Done Wright promised. I had to come and check out who she bestowed her Versatile Blogger award to...and it seems it is very much deserved. Congratulations. AND, I totally love the ladder displaying the quilts. My mom is a quilter SO I have plenty of quilts I could display...what a great idea.

    amy @


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