Monday, January 23, 2012

Tag Blanket Tutorial

Thanks for all your kind words about the tag blankets I made for my cousins! This is becoming my go-to baby gift... they're fun to make, they're a unique gift, and they go together pretty quickly.

The tag blanket I made using this tutorial is for my wedding photographer, who has become a friend of ours. Her first baby is due this spring, and how perfect is this for the son of a photographer??

I promise this is a simple project - and it's also very forgiving. If your squares aren't exactly the same size, it won't matter! You're basically making a pillow, and then turning it inside out.

To start with, cut two squares out of any material. I like to use a soft minky fabric on the back to make it snuggly and add another texture. If you want to embroider or applique on one (or both) of the sides, now is the time to do it!

You can use any size squares. I generally use somewhere between 8" and 10", depending on the size of my fabrics. Any bigger than that and they'll be too large for a small baby to hold.

Next, cut your ribbons. You can use as many different colors as you want. I tend to alternate three. Three ribbons on each edge fit nicely without being too tight.

To achieve varied lengths, cut half the ribbons 4" long, and half 6" long. 

Fold your ribbons in half, and then pin them to the right side of one of your fabrics. Do this on all four sides.

Head to your sewing machine. Set your stitch slightly less than 1/4" from the edge so that the stitches will be hidden later. You can use any color thread here -- you'll never see it. Sew over the ribbon, then backstitch the entire ribbon. Sew over it one more time.

Ultimately, each ribbon will be sewn over 5 times, eliminating the potential choking hazard. Unless, of course, you let your baby play with the tag blanket and a seam ripper at the same time.

This is what they'll look like when you're finished.

Sewing the ribbons on all at once makes it easier to put the whole blanket together. Now's the time to cut any threads.

Put your squares together, right sides facing. Set your stitch for 1/4" from the edge, and stitch ALMOST all the way around the square. Leave about 2 inches on one side open so you can flip it.

This is what I mean about this project being forgiving. This doesn't matter. Love it.

Turn it inside out -- it's almost finished!

Head back to your sewing machine. Top stitch 1/4" from the edge around the whole square. If you're a really straight stitcher, contrasting thread would look fun. I'm not a super straight stitcher, so I use threads that blend in!

Make sure you fold the part you left open under while you're top stitching and sew it closed.

There you have it! A personalized baby gift that will be loved for a long time.

A closeup view for you.

And the back.

Good luck making many, many tag blankets for the babies in your life! Let me know if you have any questions -- happy sewing!

Click HERE to see the blog parties where I'm linking!


  1. Very cute! I'm a total fan of the colors you choose too! It'd fit right in at my house! You should join me for Handmade 52!

  2. What a great gift idea! I appreciate all of the directions. Are you putting this up on Pinterest?

  3. How cute! I love the little camera on the front!

  4. Love it! You are so talented with the sewing machine!

  5. Super cute idea! What a great gift idea and easy enough to use fabric and ribbon I have on hand. I think this will be a must-make for baby shower gifts.

  6. Sheri, I think I was putting it on Pinterest as you asked me that! =)

  7. I just wanted to let you post it first! Where did you find that minky material as you call it? I think it would be so soft and cuddly. I have 2 friends becoming grandmas this spring and I think it would be fun to do for them. Thanks for posting it.

  8. One of the nicest versions of this I've seen. Did you applique the camera yourself? Found you through Ta-Da Tuesday. Thank you.

  9. Linking up after you on Someday Crafts. Love the colors in the ribbons. Very cute!

  10. You're going to be featured on Handmade 52 tonight! Come say hi! Don't forget to link up your projects from this week too!

  11. This is so cute! Saw your link on a glimpse inside
    I love this idea!

  12. I love this little blankie...too cute!!!

  13. What a cute those tags. Glad I found you...I'm a follower now, so stop by and follow too...I just love new blog friends, Lori

  14. Ooooh, such cuteness! Love those colors, and the camera is just adorable!! Thanks for linking up at Shine on Fridays, girl!

  15. Featured this on the One Artsy Mama FB page today!

  16. This is adorable!! I would love to invite you to share at our sharing party at Thank you!

  17. Thank you for sharing it at Sharing Saturday!! We hope you will share with us again this week!

  18. This is fabulous!!! Thanks for sharing this with us at Sharing Saturday :)


  19. Thank you for the wonderful idea, I made this to match a baby blanket that I made. I pinned a picture here:

  20. super cute! Do you make your appliques? Love the camera! Thanks for sharing!


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