Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Most Delicious Chicken Salad Ever!

I pack my lunch almost every day. I don't work in a place that's very convenient for going out, and going out costs me money and time, neither of which I have unlimited supplies of. I also tend to eat a lot of crap when I go out to lunch, which means packing is a good option.

The downside of packing is that lunches get boring pretty quickly. I am a fairly picky eater (though so much better than I was as a child that I want to be patted on the back for that!) and I don't love eating the same sandwich every day.

I do pack a lot of leftovers, but there are some nights when we don't have any, or when what we have doesn't heat up well - like the quesadillas we had tonight. Delicious, but a soggy mess tomorrow at lunchtime. Believe me... that's experience talking.

Enter this chicken salad recipe. I like chicken salad, but it's never been my favorite. After trying this recipe, I have decided that most chicken salad is just too complicated for my taste buds. I don't need celery or walnuts or grapes or any of that other stuff. Chicken + salad is good enough for me. Or technically chicken + mayo. But that sounds gross.

I found this recipe on my friend Andi's lunch blog.This is definitely a blog you'll want to check out. She posts ideas for how to keep your lunches fun and interesting, and she has some great ideas.

Like my favorite chicken salad.

Without further ado... you can make it too! (That rhyme was unintentional but I'm leaving it because it's fun).

Dot's Chicken Salad
Source: Lunch It Punch It

1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup mayo
3/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 cup pecan halves
4 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
4 cups cooked, shredded chicken OR 1 can of chicken
Beat sour cream with mayo, salt and lemon juice.
Toss chicken into dressing until moist.
Just before serving stir in nuts and bacon.

A few notes: I left out the bacon and nuts, because bacon would take awhile and I don't like nuts. And it was still delicious. I also ended up using 2 cans of chicken because it seemed a little runny otherwise. Probably because I left out the bacon and nuts.
This is seriously the yummiest chicken salad ever. I meant to post about it two weeks ago, but every time I packed my lunch I forgot to take a picture of it because I was just weirdly enjoying my chicken salad. 
Hop on over to Andi's blog and get some inspiration for your lunches. What do you pack in your lunches? I'm always looking for new ideas!

1 comment:

  1. I saw this a while ago on my phone and had trouble leaving a comment, thanks for the tweet...

    sometimes I do less sour cream or use yogurt so it isn't as messy if served as a sandwich. Sometimes, I eat it on a bed of shredded lettuce and pretend I'm getting a little vegetable serving.


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