Monday, August 1, 2011

Yum - Corn Salad

When I came across this recipe from Tatertots and Jello last week, I couldn't wait to try it. It looked so light and refreshing, not to mention delicious!

The best part is that it's made with ingredients you're likely to have already on hand in the summer time. I used fresh corn, and it was extra delicious.

We made it on Saturday night as a side dish for our shrip tacos. This salad definitely has a mexican taste to it, but it is definitely delicious!

As we were eating it, we actually ended up adding it to our tacos as part of the filling, and it was awesome. It is also great as a sort of salsa with tortilla chips. 

We will definitely be making this one again, and I thought you might want to try it too!


  1. Looks wonderful...perfect as a side dish with tonight's dinner - thanks for sharing!!!

  2. I totally thought it looked like an excellent salsa! YUMMY!


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