Friday, March 18, 2011

Auction Quilt

I promised a friend of mine months ago that I would make a quilt for her employer's annual fundraiser. She works for Cincinnati Union Bethel, and my favorite of their program is called Off the Streets. This program helps women leave prostitution, teaching them life skills (ranging from couponing to job searching), providing them with health care, and helping them to support themselves. It's amazing.

Here's the quilt I made:

It was made from a jellyroll pattern where you sew all of the strips together. It's the fastest quilt I've ever made, though it still took 7 hours. Sewing those strips together isn't as quick as you'd think! Here's a link to the pattern.

I really like how it turned out. It's a large quilt, and the colors are much more vibrant in person. Glad I could contribute to the fundraiser!


  1. What a nice thing to do, and on top of that it is beautiful. Hope they made lots of money from it.

  2. I love it! The Bliss fabrics are truly some of my favorites - I have a charm pack and some yardage I'm currently hoarding.

    I'm thinking of doing this style quilt for the next baby quilt I'm working on. So pretty!

  3. I love your quilts. Once you're done with getting married and all that crazy stuff, you've got to teach me. I need some Tara time.


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