Sunday, February 6, 2011

Weekend Update

I've been a neglectful blogger lately... between thank you notes, class, work and the tornado that ran through my house, I didn't have much energy to do anything else!

We had a great weekend. Zac didn't work at all, and we got all of the gifts (and other stuff) put away, laundry done, errands run - it feels nice to sit down in an orderly house!!

Friday night we had dinner with our mentor couple from church, and it was wonderful. All almost-married couples are matched with a couple who has been married for a long time, and it has been such a great experience for us. Diane and John are just wonderful, and they are so supportive. We are very lucky to have such special people in our corner.

I'm hoping that this week I'll be back to blogging normally... I have a few things to share with you! I hope you had a great weekend, too!


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