Sunday, February 13, 2011

Feeling the Burn

Zac and I have been searching for an exercise routine that we can both stick to.  Our requirements? Fun enough that we want to do it. Cheap. Easy to do at home. Works.

So... on the recommendation of friends, we bought one of these:

It's an XBox Kinect. It hooks onto an XBox (we already had one) and detects your movements. It's totally creepy. It knows exactly what you're doing, and you show up on the screen. Cool - but weird!

That purchase was justified with the addition of this:

It really is like working with a personal trainer! First, you take a fitness test and then the program creates personalized workouts based on your preferences. The workouts are HARD, and if you aren't doing the exercises right, Jillian's voice tells you to lift your knees higher!!

We're only on day 2, but so far, so good. It's a lot of fun, and hey, if we've actually been doing it, that's better than what we were doing before!

Do you have any exercise secrets? Are you a gym rat, or an exercise homebody like me?


  1. Welcome to the best workout around, Tara! I'm on week 7 as of tomorrow...and there are still new exercises coming at me. It's been fantastic...and I feel terrific. I got mine when I couldn't use the weight machine and crosstrainer in our basement b/c of the flood in November. I love the variety of The Biggest Loser! Enjoy :-).

  2. I have heard great things about the kinnect.
    I dislike working out, but I recognize the imporance. Unfortunately, this year thus far I've been sick everytime I turn around so working out has been put on the back burner. My secret is normally to do a 21 day challenge where I work out everyday for 30 minutes...ususally 1.5-2 miles on the treadmill...that kick starts me and after the 21 days I'm in a good place to continue working out 5 days a week :)


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