Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Checking in

Hello, friends!

I have not been a very faithful blogger recently, and for that I apologize! Things have been crazy around here since Thanksgiving.

  • The end of the year means the end of an academic term, so things are busy both at work and for school. All of my school stuff will be wrapped up in the next few days (note: group projects are the worst!) and hopefully things at work will calm down by the end of next week.
  • I have almost all of my Christmas presents bought, but almost none of them wrapped! That's on the agenda for this weekend.
  • I'm not working on Friday, so hopefully I'll be able to do some sewing and some wrapping... and some holiday baking!!
  • We're trying to figure out all of our Christmas plans, and there's just so much to do!! People to see, places to go - so much wonderful, but having it all at one time makes it a bit stressful to schedule.
I'll be back to my regular scheduled posting soon!

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