Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Holiday Cards

It might seem early, but Christmas is less than 2 months away!! One of my favorite parts of the holiday is sending cards. I love receiving them, and I love sending them!

For the past few years, I've handmade our cards.

Sophie "helping."

I'm not really down with that this year because 1.) I've used up all of my ideas, and 2.) I'd rather spend my crafting time on other things.

The cards I like best are the picture cards. We open and love all of the cards we receive, but the ones we keep the longest are the picture ones. That got me thinking... is it weird to send holiday cards when there aren't any cute things (ie: babies) in them?

We could make them totally cheesy and put: "Merry Christmas from the future Mr. and Mrs.!" I don't know, that might be too much! =)

We aren't using our engagement pictures for our save-the-dates, so maybe that would be a good time to use them.

What do you think? Would you make fun of me if you got that in the mail??


  1. That is NOT too much! I would so not make fun of you :)

  2. That is a great idea. I like the picture cards as well :)

  3. I think that is a cute idea! And a perfect way/time to use your engagement pics.

  4. I love it! The rhyme is adorable.


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