Friday, October 29, 2010

My Fashion Inspiration

I'm not very fashionable. I never have been... my younger sister Beth definitely got most of the fashion genes in the sibling pool. Every now and again I get inspired to do something to spice up my wardrobe. I most admire looks that are polished and put together. Case in point? Ms. Emma Pillsburry, from GLEE.

She is the epitome of adorable - those pictures don't even do her justice.  Here's how I dissect her look:
  • Pencil skirts. Everyday.
  • Cardigans. Everyday. But in a slightly altered way each time.
  • Statement chunky necklaces. 
  • Skinny belts.
You can buy most of Emma's cardigans from JCREW, but since I don't have $138 to spend on a cardigan, I'll have to get creative. I'll keep you posted during my Emma Pillsburry copy quest!


  1. They have lots of Ms. P cardigans at Old Navy on sale right now! When I was still working at UK I described my style as inspired by her. It's just classy.

  2. I love Emma. While I"m not nearly as cute as Emma, I rock this look, too. It's dressy enough for work but still a little stylish. Skirt, cardigan, jewelry, blouse, belt. Check. ;) It's a total Michelle Obama look, too. And, she always looks polished.

    Good luck! Try Target, Old Navy and New York and Company. I find tons of these items there.

  3. Cute posts! I like the look of your blog too. Thanks for sharing your link:)


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