Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm dreaming...

About one of these:

Zac's brother and sister-in-law have one of these swanky cameras, and the difference in picture quality between this and my little point and shoot is ridiculous.  But - they are super pricey, and I'm not sure that we'd use it enough to make it worth the investment.

Anyone out there have a fancy camera like this? Do you use it more than you thought you would?


  1. I have a Nikon D50. I have a great zoom lens that I got for Christmas the year after I got the camera. I should learn more about the various lens. I think Josh and Steph have several different ones. I love my camera. I had it this weekend, but decided that I would leave the photography to the pros.
    Billie Sue

  2. I have a Pentax K20D that I bought on ebay. It came as a kit and it was a lot cheaper than buying retail. Took awhile to arrive...but I had no problems other than that. I absolutely LOVE having my DSLR and I do use it a lot.

  3. That's the exact same camera Nick wants. It takes AMAZING pictures.

  4. I want one of them too but afraid that because of its size that i wont use it as often and dont want to spend the $$$ for it just to be sitting there.

    But the picture quality of these cameras are amazing!

    Mayya @ Sew Chic and Unique

  5. I have a Nikon D60. I keep meaning to learn more about it, but right off the bat, picture quality is so much better than my old point and click. I don't think you'll regret the investment.

  6. We can dream together! Heck I would be happy with even the Rebel.

  7. I have a Nikon D5000 and LOVE it. I can't imagine taking pictures with a point and shoot ever again.

    The camera is worth an investment, just be sure to get good quality lenses to go with it. The lens is what really makes the difference.


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