Sunday, October 10, 2010

A full wedding recap

Sorry I left you stranded on the most important wedding details!

Fast forward to Saturday morning.... and some bridesmaids getting beautiful bright and early!

Ally, the MOH, getting lovely.

The bride-to-be!

This is a "spray guard" so the hairspray didn't get in her face. It's also ridiculously funny looking!

So beautiful!

Ella seems a little unsure about all of those curls!

Ali's dad gave her a special wedding day present

So sweet!

Final bride touches. Yes, those are my pants around her neck after we realized that make-up could get on her dress!

A close-up of the GORGEOUS dress detail.

And then... it was time to get the show on the road.  We had the perfect amount of time - enough time that we weren't rushed but not too much time for the bride to get nervous!

Walking in with Matt. Again, we are so good at this.

I know. Could she be any more beautiful??

Mr. and Mrs. Chris & Ali Johnson!

In true Escanaba style, it was FREEZING when we went to take pictures. How cool is this picture, though?

I was trying to keep her warm!

The reception will have to be another post, because this is getting really long! I promise you won't have to wait as long for it this time, though, and then we'll be back to our regular blog programming!

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