Sunday, August 15, 2010

The ultimate "curb appeal"

Have you ever seen the show on HGTV called Curb Appeal? Basically, they transform the outside of someone's house. Something similar happened here on Emming Street today!

Let me back up. We have GREAT neighbors here. Like the best. Two very special neighbors are Suzanne and Bob. They're the type of neighbors who watch our cat while we're away, and who yell "We just put on coffee! Want to come over?" when you go out in the morning to get the paper. They're awesome. Bob is a landscaper, and today over coffee we started talking about our front yard.

Two hours, a trip to Lowe's and $60 later, we went from this:

to this!!

It looks AWESOME!

Zac and Bob went to Lowe's and picked out some plants. Because Bob is a genius, we spent such little money. We have three butterfly bushes that were $2.50 each!! They were marked down because they've already flowered this year, to which Bob said "If we cut them back they'll flower again before fall." He rocks.

Here are so "in process" pics:

So what does this little front garden grow? Glad you asked!

These are liriopes, and I just love how they look. The rock was found in the back of this bed, by the way!

On the left is a knock-out rose bush, and on the right is one of the butterfly bushes. All three bushes have different color flowers.

These are called astors. They're native to Ohio so they'll grow really well in front of our house. We've got purple, pink and blueish.

I can't remember the name of this tall thing; we transplanted it from our back patio.

So there you have it! A few bags of mulch and this place looks awesome! There's plenty of room to plant mums in the fall, and we'll also plant bulbs so there are surprise tulips in the spring!

I LOVE living here! And I'm very grateful for such wonderful neighbors/friends!

P.S. Someday I'll post pictures of Bob's garden, which is out of this world. We're thinking about starting the Emming Street Garden District...


  1. This is awesome! Do you have any houses for sale in your neighborhood? I want in on this. ;)

  2. Wow what a great job! Your so lucky to know your neighbors, we don't know any of ours :(


  3. What a great transformation - I love watching Curb Appeal and all of HGTV - I just wish they would travel around. How great to have such nice neighbors.

  4. Now that turned out really nice! I like the choice of plants, and it's going to fill in beautifully. And you sure can't sneeze at the price tag!

  5. Looks wonderful!!!Your blog is so cute....

  6. That is awesome! I love the dark colored mulch!


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