Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cool blog trick!

This is just too cool not to share.

If you have a blog, visit No, seriously. Go do it right now!

While you're there, you can create an account that will AUTOMATICALLY update your Twitter and Facebook feeds every time you publish a post. Meaning, all of your friends will know your blog is updated, and are more likely to read it, and you don't even have to remember to do it. They also will let you update things I'm not really sure about, like ping.

Technology, thank you for being my friend.


  1. Cool, I'm going to check this out. And you better come check out my blog real soon too! Wink wink!!!

  2. This is cool. I knew gals did that, but I never thought about it being done automatically. Thanks for sharing.


I love reading your comments - thanks for being a wonderful part of my blogging experience!