Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blogging advice I've been given (and given)

When I started my blog, I had no idea what I was doing. Hence my terrible first few posts. In the past few months I've learned a lot about myself and about blogging, and gotten some great advice from other bloggers. Some of the best things I've learned:
  1. Post every day! This is especially important when you're first starting out. Post every day until writing on your blog becomes a habit, and something that you look forward to.
  2. Take a camera everywhere. At first, I'd get places and think, "This would make a great blog post, but crap, I forgot my camera!" The plus side to this? At the end of the year you'll have countless pictures documenting your small, every day experiences that are really special.
  3. Make blogger friends! When you find new blogs to read, comment on them! When you do, include a link to your blog. Every time someone comments on my blog, I go check out theirs. Chances are, if my blog interests them, their blog will interest me.
  4. Update a lot... but not too often! I have un-subscribed from blogs for a few reasons. First, if you fill my google reader with clutter, I'm taking you off my reading list. Also, I stop following people who aren't interesting or who seem to just write the same thing over and over. 
  5. Keep your controversial opinions to yourself. Unless you're writing a clearly political blog, keep your views under wraps. I've been reading a great crafting blog for a few months, and when the blogger did a "20 things about me" post, one of them was her serious hate for one of our famous elected officials, who I happen to like. Ever since then, I'm less likely to go to her blog, and knowing that about her has soured her blog a little bit for me.
Other rules apply - be yourself. Have fun blogging! What other blogging tips have you found that are helpful to new (or not so new) bloggers??

Oh - and Linda over at Craftaholics Anonymous is doing a series about blogs right now. I'm learning a lot... check it out!


  1. Oooh, this is really interesting, Tara. Especially #5. My blog isn't a nichey blog (i.e crafts! home decor! stuff made out of felt!). Not yet, anyway. I started it as an outlet for writing. I've only told a small handful of family and friends about it, because I want it to be a place where I can write without being scrutinized.

    With that said, I *did* write a post about politics, but it kept true to the way I like to write. While I did make some of my personal beliefs known, I think I kept it lighthearted and unoffensive. I mean, I'm pretty sure I did. I want to be free to write what I want to write, but I don't want to alienate readers either, know what I mean?

    I don't necessarily want my blog to be full of bunnies and sunshine. I don't think so, anyway. A little controversy is always good, but I hope people will still like me even if they don't like EVERYTHING I say.

    Does that make sense? Actually, Tara, I'd love your feedback on it, as your post has serendipitously come up right as I was thinking about it.

    Great post, Tara!


  2. Hey Tara!
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :) Glad I'm not the only one that likes pretty blogs! AND you have one gorgeous blog, babe!
    happy blogging!
    PS and thanks for the shout out!

  3. Tara, commenting back just in case you didn't see my reply to your comment (catch that?).

    I *totally* understand what you're saying. And ditto, Linda's comment! Your blog is hot stuff. :)

  4. Seriously great list. I do all of those things!

  5. Tara, when I was fixing the clogged drain tonight, I thought about what you posted and went to grab a camera. . .

    Thanks for the advice!

  6. Great tips. I totally agree with them all. But, I think the biggest tip for me is to remember why I blog and stick to it. Sometimes my feelings get hurt when someone says something offhandedly or when I get no comments on a post I worked a long time on and really love. It helps to remind myself why I do it - because I love to write, I love to share and I want to document this time in our lives.

    Love your blog. You are a great blogger!

  7. Tara,

    You make me want to blog. I wonder what I could blog about. Maybe you can give me a tutorial. I will provide drinks and you provide the technical know how :)

  8. Great tips! And I love your blog! I'm definitely following! :)



I love reading your comments - thanks for being a wonderful part of my blogging experience!