Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Chris and Ali's Wedding Shower

Mandy and I threw a "Stock the Bar" shower for Chris and Ali on Saturday. Thanks to Mandy for hosting it in her home!

This was our gift to Chris and Ali. Aren't picnic baskets fun??

The margarita station - because margaritas are just so yummy.

The table spread... we had an assortment of dips, since it was an evening shower.

Our cute cupcakes, with crazy lighting

The beautiful bride

I guess only Matt and Hester got the memo that all the guys were supposed to dress the same?

The sweet bride and groom opening gifts

We are the 4th couple of Zac's friends to get engaged around the 4th of July - so here are all the engaged ladies at the shower!

I can't decide if I wish these guys saw each other more often, or if this is all their better halves can handle!

It ended up being a really casual and relaxed shower, which was fun considering we don't see each other as much as we'd like.  Lee Waddle even made a surprise appearance from Holland (that guy is awesome).  We're starting to get excited for October 2, Chris and Ali!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting, T! Great photos. And thanks a million for hosting :)


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