Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Building with Wood, Part II

I had to work late tonight, but Zac decided to go ahead and keep building.

Dilemma: the weather here is stormy tonight. So in all of his infinite wisdom, he just kept building - in the dining room.

So this is what we have to show so far:

For our first wood project, I'd say it's pretty good!

With the lid (no hinges yet)

It looks huge, but apparently we have GIGANTIC patio furniture cushions, because only two sets will fit! Not sure where the other two will live yet... bummer!

It took less than 2 minutes for the Soph to get in on the action. Which means the box has cat hair and the cat has sawdust. Dining room is still a mess - so who cares??

Still needs to get painted and the top and bottom securely attached, and then we'll be able to store half of our patio cushions!  More coming soon!

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