Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm officially a gardener!

hanks for being patient with me as I went "off the grid" for my birthday!  I had a great day bumming around with Zac, visiting Ikea and Lowe's. Apparently I went from 24 straight to 42?? After my Junior League meeting that night, some of my wonderful JLC friends had sushi with us.  All in all, a great birthday!

Tonight I finally got to plant some of the things we got on my birthday!  Last year, we made our first herb garden, with the help of Shannon:

Last year they lived on the fire escape!

This year, we're doing herbs again but in different planters. We found these at IKEA, and they are only partly done.  The final stage of this plan falls somewhere between "Whoa - awesome!" and "Best outdoor idea ever" on the projects scale. You can judge when they're finished!

Oh poor baby cilantro that I forgot to water yesterday...

Everyone lined up - with the pitiful dill looking worse than the cilantro!

Got to use my super cute gardening tools from Katie!

In process...

Beautiful planters from Glenda and Steve... now full of zinnia and vinca!

And hanging baskets that need bigger hooks - so for now, baskets that will soon be hanging!

And a picture of the porch swing because it's so cute! Thanks, Mom for the cushion!

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