Saturday, April 10, 2010

The past few days...

I can't believe how long it's been since I've updated - totally embarrassed by my lack of blogging updates!  Here's what I've missed:

Wednesday - Long day at work followed by a Junior League volunteer training night.  Meeting was, well, a meeting. Drinks afterwards with some friends was very fun!!

Thursday - Another long day at work.  We did a few things around the house and then went to visit my friend Ashley and her husband John. They graciously donated a microwave to our new house. We re-payed them with some garden tools and beer! We had yummy pie and stayed WAY too late for a work night.  But it was just so much fun!

Last night, Josh and Alicia, friends from college, came to see the house.We had tickets to the Reds game, which would have been significantly better if it had been ANY other night of this week - it was so cold last night! Still had fun though...

Go Reds!

We sat just above this outfielder guy. He did this the entire game. Like seriously - he did nothing.

Zac & Josh

Reds had a Grand Slam in the bottom of the 8th - which is how they beat the Cubs when they had no business doing so.

Yes, it was really that cold...

Today the Junior League hosted Kids in the Kitchen, a project focused on combating childhood obesity. Erika, Erin and I rocked out at the seed planting station. The event was awesome - we saw more than 1000 kids, and at the end of it, we felt like we'd been run over by those 1000 kids!

  The Seed Planting crew in action

The event- before it got too busy to take pictures!

Erika and me

Our station - before the kids came, wrecked havoc, used ALL the supplies and left again!

Not much left planned for this weekend... finishing a quilt for my friend Alison, who runs an AMAZING non-profit called Bake Me Home. She and her 8 year old twin daughters provide "home" items to women and their children leaving domestic violence shelters, and also have a new venture baking soldiers back home.  They are so awesome, and have a fundraiser coming up on April 24!

Other than that... might take advantage of the 2-for-1 mulch special at Home Depot and trying to get a hold of how to start "couponing." More on that later!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

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