Sunday, April 18, 2010

Fun weekend...

We headed down to Lexington on Saturday morning for a super fun reunion type day at Keeneland. I swear everyone I ever met was there. Including a random high school friend (shout out to AP Econ!) which was totally cool.

Zac is so good at taking pictures.

Michelle, Mandy, Katie, me and Anna


Michelle's first bet!

So glad to see Clare!

My white sunglasses are so obnoxious. I will get new ones soon, I promise!

We had dinner with my favorite future in-laws to celebrate Zac's mom's birthday (Happy Birthday Mama Lo!) and I am so bummed I forgot to take a picture. It was delicious and we got home so exhausted - like climb into bed at 10:26 on a Saturday night kind of tired!

Worked all day today, which was exhausting but good.  Looking forward to doing some work on the house this week - get excited for some pictures!!!

1 comment:

  1. aw, i made it in the blog...feeling so special. so good to see you this weekend...come to nashville soon!


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