Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Candy Break

I'm taking a quick break from working to munch on some Easter candy (thanks Mom!) and since I'm day-dreaming about this, thought I'd give you a sneak peak of what will soon be living on my Family Room floor...

(It's a rug)

If you hate it, don't tell me quite yet.  We searched SOOO long for a contemporary looking rug that wasn't striped or checkered or a million dollars.  We found this on Overstock (my most favorite place to buy things - like, I'm in their "you spend a lot of money so we'll give you perks" club. For real) and I think it's really cool looking...

I don't have any fancy photo editing programs, so here's what I could do in Publisher.  It at least sort of shows you what it might look like. New pillows and paint on the walls is definitely on tap for the near future...

More pictures of the house coming soon!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it and I think the pillows match without being TOO matchy matchy. Does that make sense? :)


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