Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dreaming about decorating...

Ever since we bought our new house, I have been day-dreaming about what to put where, what color to paint what... it's incredibly fun!!

The floors in the new Master Bedroom are a dark stained hardwood, which I love.  But, my bare feet don't love getting out of bed in the morning onto hardwood. So... I think I need this!
(, Hand-woven Shag Honey White Rug)

I don't even know where I would put this, but I love it and will find somewhere in my new house for it to live!
(Sams Club, Shag Bloompetal Rouge)

And these would be beautiful in the living room...
(Bed, Bath and Beyond Capri Window Panel in IVORY)

We have a beautiful new patio, and I see many nights in my future, enjoying this (bonus points because it's from Martha Stewart!).
Home Depot, Martha Stewart Living Copano Bay

Off to do more online dreaming - it's not really shopping since I'm not buying anything yet!!

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